Saturday, January 31, 2009

Funny Toilets!!!

Funny Toilets From Around The World

A guys toilet is his throne. Often becoming a territorial issue, the bathroom, if one is married, is usually the only place left in the house that he can still call his own. There are many bones of contention when it comes to the commode:

* are you a seat up or seat down kind of guy
* toilet roll, over or under
* do you light a match or spray
* door open or door closed

These can be very touchy issues. And that is why keeping a sense of humor is imperative. Check out these crazy potty's below. They will have you peeing in your pants for sure.

2 Comentários:

aanchal drolia said...

I loved the last Picture

Nikhil Agarwal said...

It is indeed very funny...

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